Went home on Thursday and e v e r y t h i n g has changed. I didn't think that I had been gone for so long, and I really haven't BUT this is the first time i've really been around everyone, at the same time, and talked to everyone and caught up with everyone, etc. Craziness.
I heard a lot of crazy things, that I don't agree with at all, but the way the world is today, I can't say anything. I used to be able to explain to people why they should or should not do things, or live certain ways, etc. based on what is 'wrong' and what is 'right,' but it seems like all that is looong gone and very far out the window. I just hope everyone stays safe. . . that's really all i can say.
On another note, Friday night went from going to the movies, to reuniting with a lot of people that i love. It was fun, & unexpectedly comfortable.

iLyguys, a lot.