Thursday, April 9, 2009


Thanks to twitter, I get to see a lot of different 'views & opinions' i guess i'll say for lack of better words right now, & everyday something new catches my eye.

"I Believe LOVE has no face, Smell, And no Concept.. As soon as you THINK you got LOVE figured out.. It's goes somewhere else... Whenever a women says to me she JUST broke up with her boyfriend.. My Question is always.. DID YOU LOVE HIM MORE THAN YOU KNEW HIM??"

The initial question, was what is love, and that was the answer. Getting into that would be way too much & it's been discussed.

"Love is the mature version of infatuation."

"Love kills. I'll love again when i'm ready to die."


"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3 KJV). Friends are of like mind. The truth that comes from all of this is a friendship is a relationship that is entered into by individuals, and it is only as good or as close as those individuals choose to make it. Someone has said that if you can count your true friends on the fingers of one hand, you are blessed. A friend is one whom you can be yourself with and never fear that he or she will judge you. A friend is someone that you can confide in with complete trust. A friend is someone you respect and that respects you, not based upon worthiness but based upon a likeness of mind.

Got that off the internet, & that DEFINITELY got me thinking. I sent it to ashlie and asked her how many friends does she have now after reading that? Her answer: 3. My answer : 4.

... i'll finish this later.