Saturday, January 3, 2009


I had the most sleepless ass night ever, I've been having these whack ass 2 hour ass naps & EVERY 2 fckn hours i wake up, check my phone, respond to my AIMs (why are people up every 2 hours anyway? 2am.4am.6am.) & watch some tv till i wander back into some disturbed ass sleep. Then I have these weird ass dreams that are so realistic. . . 

So yesterday, I realized that I like to listen to other peoples situations & help other people out so much because it distracts me form everything going on in my own life. I've realized that I just don't really like dealing with my own reality, because i've gotten so used to not dealing with it, just flowing with it. So now that I have to deal with it i'm like . . . procrastinating. . . or just trying to find any way possible to just NOT have to talk about anything that has to do with me in depth, & recently that's just not gonna fly anymore. My friends aren't allowing that to go down, and I think it may turn out to be a good thing. I just really don't know where to begin. I don't know what to say. There's so much to say i don't know WHERE to even think about beginning. 

'I believe everything happens for a reason;
People change so they can learn to let go;
Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right'
You believe lies so u eventually learn to trust nobody but yourself;
& sometimes, good things fall apart so better things can fall together.'
-Marilyn Monroe

I want to get to that point. . .
To where I can read that & be like, yeup! This ALL happened for a reason. These people changed, so i could learn how to let them go. . . etc. . .  My problem is, how many things are going to happen? How many people are going to change? How much is going to go wrong? & how many lies do you have to believe before all this becomes true? 
